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Total Motion Release - TOTS & Teens
TMR Tots is a modified version of Total Motion Release with a focus on the achievement of functional outcomes in infants and children. While the greatest excitement among parents and therapists has been in finding a tearless method to effectively treat children with torticollis, the concept is equally applicable to both children and adults with any mobility issue.
TMR is Total Motion Release for Tots. A modified positional release concept that uses a evaluation and feedback system to assess and treat postural asymmetry in order to achieve objective improvements in functional outcomes. i.e. Issues with alignment limit access to a full palette of muscle function - a child with restrictions may never get full control of deep back extensors if pulled into flexion from anterior fascial tension which a result of was adaptive shortening from early posture
TMR TOTS was developed initially to treat kids with CP and hypotonia, but has gotten the most attention as a no tears way to treat torticollis and gait asymmetry.
How is this achieved?
TMR Tots is a tool to identify the reversible tightness that developed as a result of a period of limited mobility. Lack of mobility may have been the result of positioning in the womb or NICU, neurological and medical factors causing weakness locking a child into a few dominant postures and movement choices, which were easier to access.
Immobilization causes adaptive shortening which the limits the ability to use muscles, which they may have otherwise learned to control with independent exploration or with therapy when motor issues are a factor. Imprisoned in this "shrink wrap" the infant/child cannot access control, which can lock him/her into a few more easily accessed but inefficient patterns. If this restricted motion is in an asymmetrical posture, their energy can be wasted in an effort to compensate and struggle to hold their head or trunk upright.
When we identify the most restricted motion using a simple testing sequence we are able to quickly determine the area most effective to treat. The sequence and therapeutic activities are taught to patients and caregivers to check progress and manage the current issue.
No Tears - Parent Satisfaction
The language of TMR is comfort! It is possible to improve range of motion faster without painful stretching. Hundreds of testimonials from parents and therapists report less visits were needed to achieve goals. Often the level of mobility and function surpassed the therapist’s previous experience and expectations raising the ceiling of our expectations on the patient’s potential.The sequence and therapeutic activities are taught to patients and caregivers to check progress and manage the current issue. This empowerment process equips them to manage future mobility issues in comfortable activities easily incorporated into their day. Using activities that reinforce success create compliance and a positive therapy experience.
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